Equestrian Coaching
for Wellness & Optimal Performance

Unlock new possibilities for you and your horse with Connection-First Training!

• Cultivate a symbiotic relationship between horse and rider that fosters joy, connection and confidence.

• Training methods based in dominance and submission are outdated! Celebrate healthy leadership and mutual respect WITHOUT sacrificing safety or performance.

• Nurture your horse's mental, physical and emotional well-being in all aspects of care and training. Your horse will tell you what they need to thrive...Tamara is here to help you listen!

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Equestrian Coaching • Lessons • Clinics

Coach and Trainer Tamara Lee Barrett believes that ALL horses and riders deserve to enjoy the benefits of Connection-First Training. She will help you develop a fun AND functional relationship with your horse, and improve performance in a way that respects the horse while enhancing their health and longevity. Click here to learn more!

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